Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just a little Reminder

This week I had just a little reminder of all the blessings that are in my life. Monday night I got a call from a Young Lady in our ward who needed someone to watch her children while she went to work on Tuesday. I said I would do it. Bright and early Tuesday morning I picked up her children at her work (she has no car); 3 year old, 1.5 year old and 3 month old. Iolana loved having a playmate all day, so did Kaylin. 4pm rolls around and I head back to her work to hand over her kids. I waited outside for about 20 minutes before I called her work to find out what was going on. The manager tells me no one by that name works here.  I call Adam at home to have him give me the number from caller ID when she called Monday. All I found was a cricket message saying the phone was off. 

At this point I'm wondering if I'm going to be having a sleep for an indefinite about of time. I decide to get the kids out of the car and go inside to see for myself if Diane truly doesn't work there. As soon as the kids get out of the car the immediately recognize auntie across the way. I learn from Auntie that Diane is still working. So we camp out in the restaurant. 

To sum up the rest of the story she and her boyfriend and children live in a one bedroom trailer that they rent from a friend. There is no lease/contract/nothing; he just lets them stay there. 1/2 the rent was paid on time and the landlord wanted the other half now, so he camped out at Diane's work to get it. Only problem was, in giving him her check there was no money for food or medicine (baby has a respiratory problem). After a "talk with the landlord and cashing her check I dropped them off at the house and who should we find??? The landlord with 2 of his friends waiting outside her door. I was ready to turn back around, but I didn't want to leave her there alone with these guys. I ended up taking her kids to Auntie's house while she tried to find her boyfriend. With the kids at least safe I left the saga and made it back home. But the story doesn't end here.

We called up the elder's quorum president to get this family some help. A new apartment, new job, new boyfriend would all be nice, but, they at least needed some food and medicine. If nothing else, this experience reminds me that there are those who have it so much worse than I do and because of that I must give of what I have when it is needed. Not when I think it's convenient to give, but when someone else is in need. 

So, make it a point to give something of yourself everyday that you may be blessed!


hope said...

These reminders make it that much more important to be aware of opportunities to serve. You never know, your service may just be a Godsend for someone!

Bob and Danya said...

Sounds like a really hard situation! I know who you are talking about and life has really been tough for them. It's hard because you can help out here and there, but ultimately it's their life and they have to fend for themselves. It does put things into perspective though, doesn't it? We should all be grateful for what we have.