Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, August 1, 2008

Time to Upgrade

Well this week has been exciting. We bought the girls a bunk bed and they now share a room. Mom and Dad were greatly fatigued having two separate rooms with separate toys, clothing, and mostly...MESS! Everything is now OURS, not yours, not mine, but OURS. We've converted Iolana's bedroom into the playroom/guest bed (which I don't have a pic of since it was a disaster) and they now sleep in what used to be Kaylin's room. On another happy note, Mom and Dad have said goodbye to the cardboard boxes in the closet encompassing the makeshift dresser and said hello once more to Adam's old dresser as Iolana now shares one with Kaylin. Oh happy day!

Kaylin and Iolana took the the bunk bed with just one night of fright. Kaylin insisted that one of us stay with her till she fell asleep (she did that when we gave her a bed too). And Iolana, I had to exhaust her before she fell asleep, which occurred about 1am. EEK!!! But, we are at smooth sailing now, except for the occasional thud we hear when Kaylin falls off the bed.

And, since these beds are separable into twin beds we gave our other bed away to some friends who plainly needed it. -- There son, 2 now, was sleeping in a pack-n-play.

One more joyous occasion to note from this change -- Dad has hooked up his ancient laptop for the kids to play on! Yes, the parents computer is free at last...