Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008

FAA Academy

I thought I'd tell you a little bit about the FAA Academy since I'll be staying here for the next 3 months. The picture above is called the Staford Building. This is where I'll be for the second half of the stay. Inside are the simulators and labs where we'll put our money where our mouth is. Show the instructors that we can actually control traffic rather than just learn about it. 

These three pictures should actually be lined up in a row but I don't have the software installed to do that, and well, I didn't want to wait to post this till after I got the software. Building 14 is actually the Academy building. That's where most of the introduction classes and basic instruction classes are taught. My class is in the basement. The picture next to building 14 is building 25, they are actually connected. I don't do much of anything in building 25 but in order to get to the cafeteria in building 1 we have to cross through it. And that leaves the last picture which is the headquarters building has all of our admin offices in it. Other than what's pictured I don't venture off to too many other buildings. 

The cool thing about the FAA base is that there are tunnels between the buildings running underground. Most of them are conditioned. It definitely beats walking in the freezing cold and wind at 20 degrees. 

Ooh we also had another test on friday I passed with flying colors; got a 100%. We'll see if I can keep that up for another 4 weeks. I've been told that this is the easy class and it gets much harder when we get into the Staford building. All I can do is wait and see.