Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 weeks to GO!

So it hit hard on friday thinking that I only have 2 more weeks of Academy before we take the PV and hopefully am out of here. We started simulations on Monday and it didn't seem to bad. I haven't been as good as I think I should be but the instructors think it went ok. 

That was until Friday. Friday's simulation had 31 operations 16 arrivals, 8 departures and some vehicle crossings. It didn't' sound like it was going to be that hard to handle. But, little did we know there was this Seneca who was flying at MACH 80 around the traffic pattern. You enter him into the pattern, he does a touch and go, and before you can approve him for Closed Traffic he's halfway around the airport already! It was crazy. Needless to say things didn't go so well on Local Control on Friday. I had three runs at it and 2 of them were plain crappy! I did 200% better on the last run but even then I screwed up major twice and because of that I fell behind and was struggling to keep up with the aircraft at the end. I had an IFR arrival end up going around because I didn't clear him to land. It was awful. 

To top things off one of my classmates has a husband in academy too, and his PV - performance evaluation was on thursday. He FAILED it because he didn't catch an incorrect read back of a runway. This guy has been an ATC for 10 years (as a contractor)! And he failed his PV the first time around. That does not make me feel any more relaxed about the whole thing. All I got to say is that I better be on top of things by friday or I am in for some serious practicing! 

But worries aside I'm glad it's almost over. I've been missing the family since they left from the New years. Things have been pretty boring here since their departure. Everything is changing once again. New house, new job, new schools, new ward. At least there's one, Correction, two things that ALWAYS stay the same. The gospel is true no matter where you are and your family is always there to see you through the changes. I hold on to those things as my anchor and I can withstand anything that comes.