Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More updates from Christmas

Here are the pictures from Christmas. I know it's been a while but better late than never.

Kaylin eating the sour cream on Christmas Eve dinner I think...

One of the coveted gifts this year was a scooter. We are hoping it'll help with her balance so she can ride her bike without the training wheels.

Here's a picture that shows all the gifts they got after all is said and done. Thanks everyone!

Here's what they woke up to on Christmas morning.

Mom and Dad got gifts too but they aren't pictured. Mom got a really neat laptop (it was an early christmas gift... Santa lent it to me on the rent to own plan), a Mac Book Pro. So now she can do all of the high tech HD video editing. That birthday money from the in-laws will finally get used! Dad got an I Phone (he too got his present on the rent to own plan). It seems we are turning into a Mac advertising family. Kaylin is the only member who doesn't own anything apple.