Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

HMMM Breadsticks

A few weeks ago, well I guess it's been just about a week, Iolana took a cooking class at a place called Young Chef's Academy. It was a free try-it class to entice you to sign up for more classes. After the class we got to take home the recipe they made...Cheesy Breadsticks!

So we made them at home. Or I should say Iolana made them. I helped her get out all the items we needed, but I let her measure, pour stir, kneed (i did help a little with this and rolling), rolling, cutting, the egg wash, cheese and herbs. She really enjoyed it, and probably liked the food that much more. Below are the pictures of her labors.

Can't you just smell the garlic, rosemary and oregano?