Godfrey Girl Number 3

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Little Princess

Kaylin is growing up so fast, she's no longer a baby, but a toddler. Yikes! She's plays with Iolana, which makes my life a bit easier, and she's learning a lot. The other day I caught her being Queen Kaylin and had to take a shot. All bow down for the Royal Highness.
She's figuring out a lot of words too! She shakes her head and says "oh" (hasn't figured out the nodding part for yes yet). She says "a-oh", "eye", "hi" (these end up sounding the same). She says "mama" (of course) and "da-dee". And she also says "da-pe" when we're changing. She knows a bit of sign language too, which helps the parents.